Every tract of land has a history.... Understanding that history and managing it can bring ease to any development.


Understanding Title

From the sovereignty of the soil to present date, almost every tract of land had some sort of encumbrance placed on it.  The most typical are deed restrictions, but others include pipeline right-of-ways or easements that affect the ability for a individual or company to develop a particular tract.

At Knickerbocker Land Resources, we help to manipulate these encumbrances to allow the project to proceed. 

The process works by determining who owns the rights to the encumbrance and working to have those changed. 

Most easement or restrictions were put in place many years ago for a particular purpose, and now that the purpose no longer exists, the restrictions are readily able to be changed. 

The problem lies with knowing the process to accomplish the change.


Most situations have a solution. The hard work comes by determining the real problem.

What We've Achieved

  • Removing abandoned oil and gas wellbores from properties.
  • Locating alternate routes for pipelines and flow lines.
  • Creating easements and right-of-ways for access.
  • Releasing easements or right-of-ways for developments.
  • Determining mineral ownership for project evaluation.